Research team in LaBRI, Bordeaux


The Synthesis team is one of the five teams in the Formal Models and Methods (M2F) department at LaBRI (Bordeaux). It gathers researchers around the Synthesis problem, which in very general term is a family of techniques aiming at automatically constructing programs (models) from their specifications.

You can sign up to the dedicated mailing list for team announcements: send an email to labri.synth-ext[@] with subject subscribe synth-ext FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME where you substitute FIRST_NAME and LAST_NAME as appropriate. Or just click here.


We meet every Thursday at 12.30pm for a weekly catch-up, and seminars are on Tuesdays 13.30pm.


  • Program synthesis / code generation / inductive programming
  • Controller synthesis / reactive synthesis
  • Machine learning
  • Network dynamics
  • Model synthesis for biology and ecology
  • Strategy synthesis / algorithmic game theory
  • Decision making
  • Theory of social choice


August and September 2024

  • Team: The team has a GitHub organisation: SynthesisLab
  • New Members:
    • Arka Ghosh joined as a postdoc starting October 1st to work on automata learning on the PEPR IA SAIF project.
    • Arthur Gall joined as an intern starting October 1st to work on probabilistic automata learning on the PEPR IA SAIF project.
    • Baptiste Mouillon joined as a research engineer on September 2nd to work on parallel algorithms for an LTL theorem prover on the PEPR IA SAIF project.
    • Roman Kniazev joined as a postdoc starting September 2nd to work on programmatic reinforcement learning on the PEPR IA SAIF project.
    • Célia Biane joined as a postdoc to work on boolean networks synthesis to model blood cancer development on the ANR project BNediction.
  • Projects:
    • MonProjetSup: Guillaume Lagarde has been appointed by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI) to work alongside Hugo Gimbert on developing the recommendation engine for MPS (MonProjetSup), based on current evaluations conducted by 120 career guidance experts.
  • Publications:
    • Journal article accepted in SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics: "Computational complexity of minimal trap spaces in Boolean networks" with Loïc Paulevé, Kyungduk Moon, and Kangbok Lee, as part of a PHC LaBRI-POSTECH (South Korea) project.
  • Events:
    • "Program Synthesis" days on Tuesday, November 26th and Wednesday, November 27th, 2024 at LaBRI, co-financed by the GDR IFM (Fundamental Computer Science and Mathematics) and RADIA (Reasoning, Learning, and Decision in Artificial Intelligence), co-organized by Nathanaël Fijalkow, Loïc Paulevé, and François Schwarzentruber.

July 2024

  • Projects: ANR SxC "From Shannon to Cray Charles" led by Charles Paperman, with LaBRI as a partner (local coordinator: Nathanaël Fijalkow).
  • Awards:
    • The "Sciences et technologies" Prize was awarded to Antonio Casares-Santos from the doctoral school Mathématiques et Informatique for his research work on "Structural properties of automata on infinite words and memory for games", a thesis supervised by Igor Walukiewicz and Nathanaël Fijalkow (LaBRI).
    • Gabriel Bathie: Best Paper Award at the CPM (Combinatorial Pattern Matching) conference with Panagiotis Charalampopoulos and Tatiana Starikovskaya.
  • Publications:
    • Journal article accepted in PLOS Computational Biology: scBoolSeq: Linking scRNA-Seq Statistics and Boolean Dynamics (Gustavo and Loïc).
    • Pierre Vandenhove: Paper accepted at CONCUR 2024 ("The Power of Counting Steps in Quantitative Games", with S. Bose, R. Ibsen-Jensen, D. Purser, P. Totzke).
    • Corto Mascle: Paper accepted at MFCS 2024, "The Complexity of Simplifying ω-Automata through the Alternating Cycle Decomposition" with Antonio Casares.
    • Gabriel Bathie had 2 papers accepted at ESA 2024 (same co-authors as the CPM paper).

June 2024

  • Internship: Matéo Torrents (L3, ENS Paris) did an internship supervised by Pierre Vandenhove on the complexity of strategies in stochastic games.
  • Visits:
    • Roman Kniazev visited LaBRI.
    • Researchers in combinatorial optimization from POSTECH (South Korea) visited (June 16-21) as part of a PHC 2024-2025 LaBRI/POSTECH project on the synthesis and reprogramming of Boolean networks.
  • Presentations/Workshops:
    • Nathanaël Fijalkow gave a seminar at Nokia Bell Labs.
    • Workshop on the evaluation of methods for inferring dynamic models in biology, organized by Loïc on May 28th in Paris (50 participants) (link)
    • Théo Matricon presented his work at the AI Seminar.
  • Publications:
    • Article on the "BoNesis" tool developed at LaBRI on Boolean network synthesis accepted at the CMSB 2024 conference (link)
  • Other:
    • Nathanaël Fijalkow was invited to the PC of AAAI 2025 (a higher hierarchical level than usual).
    • Chaimaa Radiousse (L3, ENSEIRB) did an internship supervised by Théo Matricon on the estimation of mixtures of stable distributions.

May 2024

  • Events: Nathanaël Fijalkow organized the Dagstuhl Stochastic Games seminar from June 2nd to 7th, 2024.
  • Publications: Articles accepted: ICALP (Corto), LICS (Anca), ...
  • Visits:
    • Igor Walukiewicz was at MIMUW Warsaw May 9-16, visit as part of the Trójkąt project.
    • Théo Matricon returned from a 1.5 month visit to Rennes in the Diverse team with Mathieu Acher to work on program synthesis.
    • Akshay visited on Boolean synthesis.
    • Guillaume Lagarde visited INRIA Lille and IRIF/IMJ-PRG.
  • Internship: Maxence Doucet started his internship with Guillaume on multi-agent RL.


  • ANR JCJC Games4Synthesis
  • LabCom Parcoursup
  • PEPR Santé Numérique
  • ANR BNeDiction and RD2Bool
  • UB RI3 HeMaMox


Permanent members

Important members